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Boon Street Station has played a pivotal role in Narragansett since its construction in 1896. Originally built to divert passenger traffic from State Pier No. 5 (now Monahan’s Dock), Boon Street Station served as the passenger depot for the Narragansett Pier Rail Road into and out of Narragansett all the way until 1964.
Boon Street Station has undergone many iterations. It’s extraordinary construction, the result of the skilled Italian stone masons working with Westerly granite, have enabled the building to withstand events that many other structures in Narragansett didn’t.
The hurricanes of 1938 and 1954 exacted devastation to coastal Narragansett. But like a sentinel at the entrance to Narragansett Bay, Boon Street Station weathered the storms and remained unscathed.
The building fell into disrepair after discontinuance of passenger and freight traffic. Passing between owners, the property served utilitarian purposes. The character and spirit of the building was masked, hidden under layers of patchwork to keep the building alive.
After extensive renovation by building owners Lindsay and Christina Holmes and Mike Virgilio, the building has come back to life as Boon Street Market. While the trains no longer stop here, the charm and energy of Boon Street Station is alive again. Thanks to extensive and historically thoughtful renovations by its current owners, Boon Street Station is once again an important gathering point in Narragansett.
Boon St Station
Historical image of the Boon St rail station.
Boon St Station
Historical image of the Boon St rail station.
Boon St Station
Historical image of the Boon St rail station.
Boon St Station
Historical image of the Boon St rail station.
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